Gifting Duniya


Increase in website traffic


Increase in online sales


Increase in average order value
Gifting Duniya is an ecommerce company that specializes in selling personalized gifting products. The company was founded in 2019 and had a small online presence, with a basic website and almost no following on social media. However, the company’s founders wanted to take their business to the next level and asked our team to help them design and develop a new ecommerce website and grow their social media presence.



Develop a new ecommerce website for Gifting Duniya that was visually appealing, easy to navigate, and optimized for conversions.


Increase the company’s social media following, engagement & purchase on platforms like Facebook, & Instagram.

Campaign & Execution

“We are a manufacturer of gifting products, we had no presence at all, got referred by my partner. We have seen huge growth in terms of sales & we are getting better with each passing days, they are managing our whole branding part and social media marketing, return on every penny spent is phenomenal, became profitable in just 2 months. Absolutely amazing team, great results are guaranteed here!”

Rahul Elhence, Director, Flagbearer

To achieve these objectives, our team followed the following approach:

Website development: We worked closely with the Gifting Duniya team to understand their vision for the new website and developed a plan to bring it to life. We designed a visually appealing and easy-to-navigate website that was optimized for conversions, with clear calls-to-action and lead generation forms.

Social media growth: We developed a social media strategy for Gifting Duniya that included posting regular updates, engaging with followers, and running AD campaigns. We also created visually appealing graphics and videos to help the company’s social media posts stand out.

We tested different products with different AD copies as a part of ABO campaigns & optimized for purchases.


The new ecommerce website and social media strategy had a significant impact on Gifting Duniya’s business. In the first 2 months of signing up our services, the company saw.

The company’s social media following also grew significantly, with a 50% increase in followers on Facebook and a 60% increase on Instagram. Engagement & account reach on social media also increased, with a humongous 355% increase on Facebook and a 2345% increase on Instagram.


The redesign and development of Gifting Duniya’s ecommerce website, along with a strategic social media strategy, had a significant impact on the company’s online presence and sales.

The new website attracted more traffic and increased online sales, while the social media strategy helped the company grow its following and improve reach & engagement. These efforts helped Gifting Duniya take their business to the next level and set the stage for continued growth in the future & it’s still counting.

Why Choose Us

Responsive Design

We combine data and years of industry experience to provide High Quality services

Fast Loading Pages

We value your time, all of our projects were and will always be before the deadline.

Conversion Focused

We provide creative solutions that are unique and can achieve maximum results.

Dedicated Support

We have a dedicated support team to help you solve all the problems you face.

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